Check out in this video the basic concepts of the IEC 61850 standard as definitions of levels and busbars, the protocols GOOSE and Sampled Values. In addition, Conprove solutions for tests with the IEC 61850 standard will be presented, such as the test cases CE-6710 and CE-7012, and our software, MultimSV for tests with Sampled Values and SimulGOOSE for tests with GOOSE.
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Check out in this video the basic concepts of the IEC 61850 standard such as level and busbar definitions, the GOOSE and Sampled Values protocols. In addition, Conprove solutions for tests with the IEC 61850 standard will be presented, such as the test cases CE-6710 and CE-7012, and our software, MultimSV for tests with Sampled Values and SimulGOOSE for tests with GOOSE.
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See in this video the basic concepts of the IEC 61850 standard as the level and bus definitions, the GOOSE and Sampled Values protocols. Also, it will present Conprove solutions for problems with the IEC 61850 standard, as in the case of CE-6710 and CE-7012 problems, and in our MultimSV software for problems with Sampled Values ​​and SimulGOOSE for problems with GOOSE.
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