Conprove Engenharia will be able to promote courses within your company (In Company).
You can also develop special programs according to your needs and priorities.
They can be made through the website, email or phone
Visconde de Ouro Preto Street, 75 – Bairro Custódio Pereira
ZIP Code: 38405-202 – Uberlândia / MG
Phone: (34) 3218-6800
To be considered valid, telephone registrations must be confirmed by E-MAIL.
Email: [email protected]
Discharge of Registrations
- Credit in current account to Conprove Tecnologia e Pesquisa LTDA.
- Banco do Brasil S / A – Branch No. 2591-7 – C / C No. 33953-9 Uberlândia – MG.
- Proof of payment must be sent to Conprove by email.

After confirmation by email, there can be no cancellation. We will only accept replacement of the participant.

The Registration Fee includes
- Bibliographic and didactic material;
- Certificate of achievement.
Course Schedule
08:00 to 12:00
14:00 to 18:00 hours
Place of the courses
Open Courses
They will be held at our facilities or place to be defined.
Uberlândia – Minas Gerais
In Company Courses
They will be held on the premises of the client company.
Access to Uberlândia / MG
In an area of 4,040 km2 and with a population of about 700 thousand inhabitants, in the region of the Triângulo Mineiro, Uberlândia has the greatest geographical factor in its development.
Land Transport: Eight highways connect the city with the main capitals of the country, including the Northeast.
Air Transport: Uberlândia has an excellent airport, and is served by regular daily flights to the main Brazilian cities, through LATAM, GOL and AZUL.
Time information consult your agent viagem.