The acronym CONPROVE came from the combination of the words CONsultoria (Consulting), PROjetos (Projects) and VEndas (Sales).
Founded in 1984, CONPROVE was conceived as a company totally focused on the power system area, applying state-of-the-art technology to supply the market with digital instruments for measurement of protection devices for electrical power systems. It also offers courses and training for the technical development of professionals, as well as a structure of consultants to develop studies to solve specific electrical engineering problems.
Installed in an area with more than 2000 m2, CONPROVE is structured in the following departments:
- Electrical Testing Solutions;
- Softwares;
- Courses and Training;
- Consulting and Services;
We are the only manufacturer in Latin America of test sets with full support to IEC 61850, a pioneering solution that has placed us in a prominent position in the Test market. We have products with the latest technology and innovative software that allow the application of primary and secondary tests, in some situations, included in a single equipment.
Our product line is complete and includes everything from test kits and solutions for power transformers and circuit breakers to test and calibration equipment for protection relays, energy meters and transducers. All of these solutions have led us to conquer a portfolio with renowned clients in several areas.
And to further establish our commitment to the customer, we have a team of qualified professionals to offer free and unlimited technical support for our products, in addition to providing technical assistance continuously and in a timely manner.
At Conprove we are dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge through courses and training in the most diverse branches that involve protection, control and automation of electrical systems.
With highly trained instructors, the courses are structured, mostly, with theoretical content and practices of real product applicability. In addition, we closely monitor the constant innovations in the market and always include new courses in our annual schedule that arise demanded by these transformations.
Our goal is that the professional, after our training, is able to take on new responsibilities and develop skills that make their work more effective and efficient.
Research and Development
We constantly invest in the Research and Development business so that we can offer innovative technologies with the best added value available in the national market. Our focus is on preventive support to provide safe and reliable energy.

Principles of Conprove
- We always strive for the modernization and improvement of our products and services.
- We develop solutions for our customers to safely perform electrical testing activities.
- We defend an ethical and professional attitude towards our suppliers and customers.
- We continuously seek to improve processes so that our customers have the best and safest results.
- We constantly publish and participate in events in the area and promote courses with the best content and practices contributing to the dissemination of knowledge in society.
- We value the well-being of our employees by building a relationship of respect for the diversity of beliefs and opinions.