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    Artigo ao Protection and Automation for Electric Power Systems 2020 – Hybridization with Floating Solar, Offshore Wind Farm and Batteries in Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoirs


    [PT/EN] Hoje destacamos o trabalho apresentado no International Conference and Exhibition – Protection and Automation for Electric Power Systems 2020! Nosso artigo é intitulado “Hybridization with Floating Solar, Offshore Wind Farm and Batteries in Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoirs”.

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar estudos de integração de fontes fotovoltaicas flutuantes em reservatórios de Usinas Hidrelétricas (UHE). As possibilidades de hibridização nessas usinas também serão discutidas através da integração de Parques Eólicos Offshore e Baterias. O intuito é integrar a usina solar com a operação de hidrelétricas e avaliar a influência dessa integração no reservatório e no ecossistema.

    Para saber mais, leia o artigo na íntegra em nosso site:

    Hybridization with Floating Solar, Offshore Wind Farm and Batteries in Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoirs

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    Today we highlight the work presented at the International Conference and Exhibition – Protection and Automation for Electric Power Systems 2020! Our article is entitled “Hybridization with Floating Solar, Offshore Wind Farm and Batteries in Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoirs”.

    This work aims to carry out integration studies of floating photovoltaic sources in reservoirs of Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPP). The possibilities of hybridization in these plants will also be discussed through the integration of Offshore Wind Farms and Batteries. The aim is to integrate the solar plant with the operation of hydroelectric plants and to assess the influence of this integration on the reservoir and on the ecosystem.

    To learn more, read the full article on our website:

    Hybridization with Floating Solar, Offshore Wind Farm and Batteries in Hydroelectric Power Plant Reservoirs

    Check out our complete collection:

    Technical Articles


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