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    Artigo ao IPST/Elsevier de 2021 – Performance Assessment of a Line Protection Implemented with Process Bus and GOOSE Through Transient Closed Loop Tests


    [PT/EN] Hoje trazemos o trabalho apresentado no International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST) de 2021! Nosso artigo é intitulado “Performance Assessment of a Line Protection Implemented with Process Bus and GOOSE Through Transient Closed Loop Tests”.

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma experiência de utilização do barramento de processo (Sampled Values) e GOOSE na implementação de uma função de proteção diferencial de linha (87L). Durante os testes a mala de testes da CONPROVE foi utilizada, uma vez que ela apresenta características equivalentes às dos sistemas de simulação em tempo real, permitindo assim a realização de todas as etapas da avaliação dinâmica de IEDs (Dispositivo Eletrônico Inteligente).

    Para saber mais, leia o artigo na íntegra em nosso site:

    Performance Assessment of a Line Protection Implemented with Process Bus and GOOSE through Transient Closed Loop Tests

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    Today we bring you the work presented at the 2021 International Conference on Power Systems Transients (IPST)! Our article is entitled “Performance Assessment of a Line Protection Implemented with Process Bus and GOOSE Through Transient Closed Loop Tests”.

    This work aims to present an experience using the process bus (Sampled Values) and GOOSE in the implementation of a line differential protection function (87L). During the tests, the CONPROVE test set was used, since it has characteristics equivalent to those of real-time simulation systems, thus allowing the performance of all stages of the dynamic evaluation of IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Device).

    To learn more, read the full article on our website:

    Performance Assessment of a Line Protection Implemented with Process Bus and GOOSE through Transient Closed Loop Tests

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    Technical Articles


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