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    Artigo ao DPSP: Link Redundancy in the Process Bus According to IEC 61850 Ed.2: Experience with RSTP, PRP and HSR Protocols


    [PT/EN] Hoje trazemos mais um dos artigos Conprove apresentados no DPSP – Developments in Power Systems Protection Conference! O trabalho é intitulado “Link Redundancy in the Process Bus According to IEC 61850 Ed.2: Experience with RSTP, PRP and HSR Protocols”.

    Este trabalho tem como objetivo abordar a redundância de links para apoiar o barramento de processo, conforme mencionado na segunda edição da IEC 61850, detalhando opções e comparando os protocolos disponíveis.

    Uma rede IEC 61850 implementada com redundância de links, composta por uma Unidade de Fusão e um IED, foi submetida à contingência de rompimento de um dos caminhos de comunicação. Os resultados dos testes deste estudo foram obtidos utilizando três protocolos: RSTP, PRP e HSR. O comportamento e os efeitos dos tempos de recuperação foram avaliados e discutidos.

    Confira o artigo completo no link:

    Link Redundancy in the Process Bus According to IEC 61850 Ed.2: Experience with RSTP, PRP and HSR Protocols

    Today we bring you another one of the Conprove articles presented at the DPSP – Developments in Power Systems Protection Conference! The work is entitled “Link Redundancy in the Process Bus According to IEC 61850 Ed.2: Experience with RSTP, PRP and HSR Protocols”.

    This work aims to approach the Link redundancy to support the process bus, as mentioned in the second Edition of the IEC 61850, detailing options and to comparing the available protocols.

    An IEC 61850 network implemented with link redundancy, consisting of a Merging Unit and an IED, were submitted to the contingency of breaking one of the communication paths. Test results of this study were made using three protocols: RSTP, PRP and HSR. The behaviour and effects of the Recovery times were evaluated and discussed.

    Check out the full article at the link:

    Link Redundancy in the Process Bus According to IEC 61850 Ed.2: Experience with RSTP, PRP and HSR Protocols

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