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    Praise on Social Networks!

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    Check out some of the compliments that CONPROVE received for its products! Thanks to all customers for choosing! Learn more about our products: Trust some two compliments that CONPROVE received for its products! Thanks to all clients for the…

    Basic Concepts of IEC 61850

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    Check out in this video the basic concepts of the IEC 61850 standard as definitions of levels and busbars, the protocols GOOSE and Sampled Values. In addition, Conprove solutions for tests with the IEC 61850 standard will be presented, such…

    Conprove Tutorials – Power Transformers

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    Need to do tests at the primary level? CONPROVE provides training and tutorials for testing primary equipment! Take this opportunity to learn from our tutorials, such as: Power Transformer Tests. Check out some of our tutorials: Need to do…

    CE 6710 Training – Energy Group

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    Online course successfully conducted by the CONPROVE team! We had the opportunity to meet and instruct Grupo Energia's staff to use the CE-6710 test bag. Through a predominantly practical approach, several tests were carried out so that professionals could become…

    Conprove Courses September 2020

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    CONPROVE courses with open enrollment! Take this opportunity to improve your knowledge in Protection of Transmission Lines, Batteries and Chargers, Substations, IED’s Pextron, Arteche and Ziv. Register today! Learn more:   BUY courses with open enrollment! Take this opportunity…

    Launch CE-6707 Conprove

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    Discover the CE-6707 protective relay calibration box! The equipment has: four voltage channels, three current channels, auxiliary direct voltage source, twelve analog / digital measurement channels, special input for measuring transducers with current output, special input for measuring transducers with…